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Energy efficiency refers to using less energy to perform the same task or achieve the same level of output. It’s about maximizing the output we get from the energy we consume while minimizing waste. This can be applied to various aspects of our daily lives, including transportation, heating and cooling our homes, and powering our electronic devices.

Energy efficiency is crucial for reducing environmental impact, conserving resources, saving money, improving public health, and promoting sustainability. Examples of energy-efficient practices include using ENERGY STAR-certified appliances, improving building insulation, adopting renewable energy sources, conserving energy at home through simple habits like turning off lights and adjusting thermostats, and investing in low-consumption LED lighting technologies.

Energy efficiency measures can vary in cost depending on the specific actions taken and the scale of implementation. While some energy-efficient upgrades may require an initial investment, such as installing energy-efficient appliances or improving insulation, they often result in long-term savings on energy bills. Additionally, many energy efficiency programs and incentives are available to help offset upfront costs and make energy-efficient solutions more accessible to consumers. In the long run, the financial benefits of energy efficiency often outweigh the initial investment, making it a cost-effective and sustainable choice.

Let’s take a closer look at how energy efficiency can have much lower costs than you might imagine and still help you save money.

How can you pay for energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency measures can increase your property values, reduce your electric bills, and create a more comfortable living environment in your home. Various financing options are available to make it easier for homeowners and businesses to invest in energy efficiency.

Energy-efficient mortgages

Energy efficient mortgages (EEMs) are similar to a standard home mortgage in that they use your property as collateral for a loan. With an EEM, you can purchase or refinance a home that is already energy-efficient, or you can purchase or refinance a home that will become energy efficient after energy-saving improvements.

Energy-efficient loans

Energy efficient loans are unsecured loans, meaning they don’t require your property as collateral. In practice, they are similar to personal loans or lines of credit that you can take out from a creditor.

PACE for energy efficiency

Unlike energy efficiency loans and EEMs, Property-Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing doesn’t require a monthly loan payment to a creditor. If you take out a PACE loan to fund your home energy efficiency improvements, you repay the amount owed on an annual basis as an assessment of your property taxes.

On-bill financing

Funding your energy efficiency projects doesn’t always require taking out a separate loan or refinancing your mortgage. Many utilities offer on-bill financing programs that pair loan repayment with monthly energy bills to make it easier for homeowners and businesses to invest in energy efficiency improvements for their properties.


New York Government Programs and Incentives To Promote Energy Efficiency

The government of New York offers a range of programs and incentives to promote energy efficiency in homes, commercial buildings, and industries. These programs aim to reduce energy consumption, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and increase sustainability across the state. Here are some of the key energy efficiency programs offered by the government of NY:

New York State Energy Efficiency Program (NYSERDA): NYSERDA is a state organization that administers energy efficiency programs to help residents and businesses reduce their energy costs. They offer financial incentives, grants, and financing programs for the installation of energy-efficient measures such as insulation, efficient heating and cooling systems, and efficient lighting.

EmPower New York: This program provides free energy efficiency services to low-income residents in New York. Through the program, residents can receive free energy assessments in their homes, as well as installation of energy-efficient measures such as insulation, replacement of old appliances with efficient models, and improvements in window and door sealing.

ConEdison Energy Efficiency Program: ConEdison, a utility company in New York, offers a variety of energy efficiency programs for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. This includes financial incentives for the installation of energy-efficient equipment such as efficient lighting, advanced heating and cooling systems, and efficient industrial equipment.

New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation (NYCEEC): This program provides financing and technical assistance for energy efficiency projects in commercial and multi-family buildings in New York. NYCEEC works with owners and developers to identify and implement energy efficiency measures such as insulation, building automation systems, and HVAC upgrades.

New York State Clean Energy Program (NY-Sun): NY-Sun is a program that incentivizes the installation of solar energy systems in homes and businesses in New York. The program offers financing, incentives, and technical guidance to help property owners adopt solar energy as a clean and renewable source.

These are just a few examples of the programs available in New York to promote energy efficiency. The government continues to develop and expand initiatives to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices and reduce energy consumption throughout the state. These programs offer financial, technical, and environmental benefits, making it more accessible for New York residents and businesses to embark on the path of energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency programs offered by the government of New York play a crucial role in promoting cost-effective energy efficiency. These programs provide discounts, tax rebates, and financial incentives to encourage the adoption of energy-efficient measures. The NYSERDA EmPower Program, Clean Heat Program, and Home Comfort Program are notable examples.

Implementing energy-efficient measures, such as insulation, efficient HVAC systems, and energy-saving appliances, not only reduces energy consumption but also lowers utility bills. This leads to significant cost savings for property owners and tenants. In New York’s high-energy cost environment, energy-efficient buildings gain a competitive advantage in the real estate market, attracting buyers and investors looking for long-term financial benefits and reduced operational expenses. Features like LED lighting, smart thermostats, and efficient insulation further enhance the value proposition of energy-efficient buildings. Moreover, adopting these programs greatly benefits the appreciation of homes in the real estate market.

Contact our company today to find out which of these programs can benefit you.

We offer a free energy audit through the Home Comfort Program, which can help make your home more energy-efficient and increase its value in the real estate market. Our team will guide you throughout the qualification process and assist you in taking advantage of the available incentives and resources. Let us help you optimize your property’s energy efficiency and make it more environmentally friendly.

Benefits of energy efficiency

Energy efficiency can benefit everyone whether your motivation is economic, environmental, or personal. 

Energy efficiency protects the environment

Burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation is the country’s biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Still, about 60% of U.S. electricity generation in 2022 came from fossil fuels. As you improve your home’s energy efficiency, you need less electricity and rely less on carbon-intensive power plants. This reduces your home’s demand from the plant, which benefits the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Energy efficiency can significantly reduce your utility bills

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that you can save anywhere from 5-30% on your utility bills by switching to energy-efficient appliances and home upgrades. Energy-efficient appliances consume less energy without sacrificing quality and are an excellent way to save on your energy expenditures.

You can earn a return on your energy efficiency investment

Energy-efficient products and services can cost more than conventional ones, but the electricity savings from energy-efficient measures should eventually offset their extra cost. Energy efficient upgrades generate an “implicit return” that increases over time due to rising energy costs.

Energy efficiency can increase your property value

In the real estate market, energy-efficient homes frequently sell for a higher price than standard homes with comparable features. Every project that increases your home’s energy efficiency adds a fraction of its cost to the final selling price.

Energy efficiency can enhance your quality of life

Energy-efficient measures contribute to a warmer, drier, and properly ventilated home, effectively lowering the risk of illnesses and mold growth. Energy efficiency also prevents the buildup of indoor pollutants, a major concern in areas with high radon emissions. 

Energy efficiency can be simple and still cut costs

Energy expenses are often considered a fixed cost of owning a home or business, with reductions only possible through pricey renovations. You can easily reduce utility bills through simple energy conservation behaviors or small energy-efficient purchases. Smart thermostats, advanced power strips, and energy-efficient lighting can decrease your energy expenses with almost no effort on your part.

You can avoid rising electricity prices with energy efficiency 

Utility residential electricity rates fluctuate seasonally and annually but have risen steadily in the last decade. U.S. retail residential electricity rates rose about 27% between 2012 and 2022, a trend that is likely to continue. In addition to cutting your monthly electricity bills now, conducting energy efficiency improvements on your home helps to insulate you from the financial impact of energy price increases that could happen in the years to come.

In summary, embracing energy efficiency not only presents a prudent financial choice with its potential for long-term savings but also underscores a commitment to environmental stewardship. By implementing energy-efficient practices, individuals and businesses alike can reap tangible benefits while contributing positively to a greener, more sustainable world.